My first children’s book is a multi-award winning bestseller!
The Psychic Hour Podcast - Live - 9/14/22 at 1 pm pacific time.
Interview on MediumFinder with Yasmin Cunha
Thank you, Yamin Cunha for interviewing me on MediumFinder.
Thank you, Sarah Kirton, for interviewing me for “MysticMag” online magazine.
Beauty and the Beat Podcast
I would like to thank Amanda Van Annan for having me as a guest on her Beauty and the Beat podcast.
90-Minute Workshop
I will be teaching a 90-Minute workshop on May 30th 2020
For more information, please click on the link below.
What most people see as a nightmare - the Indigo Child sees as a dream come true. No, not the people dying - but those who are awakening from slumber living. Not the people who are jobless - but those who are reflecting, reevaluating, and resetting. Not the disconnection - but the reconnection to the self, nature, values, family, and friends. Not the solitary confinement - but going back to basics, living simply and getting clear on what it is we actually need to live/survive. Not the new world order - but the collective conscious shift into the 5D and aquarian age.
Indigos are very clear about their purpose on earth: to uncover and break down structures that do not serve/ harm humanity. They have been waiting, preparing, working, growing, learning, teaching, willing this time to come for over four decades. Although there are always early/late scouts, most Indigos came in the 70s. And those on their mission, who are involved with changing the world, helping to raise the vibrations/frequencies of the planet - lifting the veil - which is encoded in their very being, are relieved this shift is actually happening in their lifetime. They know that any real big change begins with chaos.
Indigos are the spiritual warriors, path forgers, paradigm shifters, freethinkers, highly artistic, psychic, insightful, fiery, rebellious. And they can be impatient, stubborn, highly opinionated, judgemental and self-righteous. Yes, they have self-work to do/got some evolving to do too.
They often criticize authority figures/leaders of rigid/dogmatic/outdated systems and can be perceived as being quite arrogant because they get easily frustrated with society. Like all Starseeds/star children, Indigos don't conform to mainstream society, often feeling they do not belong and tend to be loners. Many are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Some get so frustrated/bored/repulsed/disgusted that they fall into depression, addiction, and even suicide.
They are old souls, and the shadow aspect of an old soul is that they can become jaded with life/people. If an Indigo is not living their life mission, they become very self-destructive. They have extremely high expectations of themselves and of others and to cope with all the disappointment, they will numb themselves if they feel that society is not moving in higher dimensions. So, this collective wakeup from the nightmare validates their very existence here on earth. Indigos know that immense growth and healing come out of trauma and crisis.
Nature Spirits
My nature elemental story... I took my mom and son on a frozen waterfall hike in Banff. On the way there, my son, who is 12yrs old - and lives in the continuous Los Angeles sun - was fascinated and in awe of the snow. So, naturally, he wanted to throw snowballs. He couldn't keep his hands out of the snow. Every minute he was making a snowball and lobbing it at some tree in this white forest.
About 40mins in, I said to him, "One, you might not want to keep throwing snowballs at the trees. They communicate with each other and even though you're not doing it with malicious intent, they may not perceive it that way." He reassured me that he wasn't trying to hurt the trees, he was just playing. And he continued...
In my mind, I said, "Oh well, if he doesn't want to listen, he'll feel." We reached the frozen waterfall and it was magnificent - we took photos then hiked back when suddenly, my son got a sharp pain in his foot.
I said to myself, "Oh - there goes the tree elementals, telling him they're not happy." We removed his shoe to see the pain. Nothing on his foot, nothing on his sock and nothing in his sneaker. He put his shoe back on and a few steps forward, he received a sharp shooting pain again. Again, we removed his shoe and sock and looked. Nothing. I reminded him, "you may want to stop throwing snowballs at the trees, maybe this is their way of telling you. We must respect nature and nature elemental spirits. We don't think trees and plants are alive but they are and they speak to each other." This time, he listened.
But the pain didn't go away. We inspected his shoe one more time - nothing. He became quite upset, having to wear his sneaker like a flip flop and limping the rest of the way back.
Once inside of our cozy hotel room, we removed his shoe and there in plain sight, was a 3" pine needle. He was shocked to see it as it had done a disappearing act previously. However, I was not shocked. I didn't need to say, "I told you so." He got it - loud and clear.
I deposited it into the trash can with care. We got ready and went for a lovely dinner that night. Later on, as I climbed onto the bed next to him sleeping, I gasped. On the pillow, right next to his eye - was the pine needle. I picked it up and whispered to it, "he learned his lesson and he's sorry, thank you." And I discarded it into the trash can again. Looking into the trash can - there was only one pine needle.
When we harm and destroy nature, there is karma to pay. When we burn down forests, homes may burn in return. There are earth elements, air elements, water elements, and fire elements. There are a whole variety - billions - of nature spirits that protect mother earth. Love and protect earth.
The Spirit Guided Life Podcast
Honored to have been invited by Alex Levy to speak and share on his “The Spirit Guided Life Podcast.”
We talked past/parallel lives, the importance of karma clearing, the conscious/subconscious mind related to patterns and programming, the wounded inner child work, energy healing - what you can do at home, how energy healing changed my life pulling me out of post-partum depression - creating contentment and fulfillment, my 7-day retreats for 2020 and my journey into becoming a “healer.”
Asteroid Baby
When my son was 4yrs old, he told me, "Mommy, I'm not from here. I'm from somewhere else."
Intrigued, I asked, "Oh, where are you from?"
He said, "A place far away, a place very different from here."
I assumed it was not earth. "What's this place like?"
"It's different. It's out there." He pointed away as if pointing out into space.
Wanting him to continue, I probed, "What was your life like out there?"
"My parents said I could come to you, that you could borrow me."
Suddenly saddened, I kept it light. "That's very nice of them. Why did they allow that?"
"They said you are a nice person. And that you need me."
I agreed. "It's true. Thank you. Thank you for choosing me. So, how did you get here?"
"I came in a comet. Like asteroid. And crashed into earth." He demonstrated with his hand.
"Wow... that's amazing. Weren't you scared traveling alone like that?"
"No. I was coming to you."
Surprised, I asked, "And are your parents people, like us?"
He shook his head, "No. They're different looking. Not like people."
"Hmm... interesting. What else can you tell me about your home?"
"We have a leader. He's very big. And he has lots of eyes."
"Lots of eyes? How many - like a hundred? A thousand?"
"Over a thousand."
"Why does he need so many eyes?"
"So they can watch us. They're watching us like a TV. Like a DVD."
"Huh, okay. So... what shall we do?"
"You need to break free from the TV, mommy. You need to get out of the DVD."
"How do I do that?"
"Just, break free," he shrugged matter of factly.
Healing Bones
A plane that carried ten people crashed over the Grand Canyon leaving only two survivors – Moon-Lin and her sister. They lost their father and another sister in the crash. Moon-Lin’s body was shattered. Even though this tragic and devastating event happened over a decade ago, Moon-Lin remains in constant pain with metal rods throughout her body.
Her ankles, knees, hips, spine, shoulders, arms, ribs, wrists – hurt all over. Her daily pain is a “nine or ten out of ten strong.” I told her, “I will see what I can do.”
Her right ankle showed me a lifetime of being a sprinter who got injured. Her left ankle showed me foot binding in China in the 1800s. Her right knee showed me her running on bridge from a dragon. Her left knee showed me a lifetime where she drowned. Her right hip showed me a lifetime of carrying a baby. Her left hip showed me an explosion in Vietnam.
I separated her spinal column in seven parts. The first part showed me an execution. In the second part, she was running naked in a war. A basketball injury in the third part. In the fourth, she was tortured in a prison cell. Fifth – trauma in the womb during the third trimester. In the sixth part, she was an orphan. In the seventh, she dropped out of a nest as a baby bird.
Her right shoulder showed me a lifetime of having gangrene and being amputated. Her left shoulder showed me a lifetime of being a Muay Thai Kickboxer. Her arms showed me suicide. Her ribs showed me her torturing others.
I also cleared karma between her and her family members and the pilot of the plane. And removed other lifetimes of being involved with crashes and negative experiences with planes and the Grand Canyon. Yes, Moon-Lin had died in that location thousands of times. After these were all removed from her bones, mind, body and spirit, she stood up, walked around, stretched and said “Wow, I don’t think I have ever felt this little pain before. It’s gone down to a three out of ten. Just a bit of tightness in my lower back, but that’s about it.”
The next day, she brought me a gift. A Tibetan bead blessed by a master, saying it was the first day she has woken up out of bed pain-free. With tears of gratitude flowing from her face, we stood and hugged for a good minute.
Dispel Curses
You don't need to be a witch doctor or a shaman to plant a curse.
You don't need potions, herbs or plants to plant a curse.
Anyone can plant curses and we do it to each other and ourselves all the time.
A parent who told you - you are ugly/dumb/fat has planted a curse.
An uncle/aunt who told you - you're just like your mom/dad, good for nothing, has planted a curse.
A teacher who told you - you couldn't write/paint/sing/dance has planted a curse.
A friend who told you - you're unpopular/uncool/unliked has planted a curse.
A boy/girlfriend who told you - no one will love you has planted a curse.
A boss who told you - you'll never get a promotion has planted a curse.
The psychic who told you - you'll never get married/be happy has planted a curse.
How do you know it's a curse? Because you perceive it to be true.
And then you manifest a life that confirms they were/are right.
Worrying is also projecting negative thinking onto a person, essentially saying "I do not trust you will be okay, I do not trust you will get through this."
Write down a list of all the negative/limiting beliefs people have projected onto you.
Delete them all from your mind, body, soul. And from your conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Delete them all from your heart center and solar plexus by simply saying it.
Then replace those sentences with positive statements. And every time you hear that curse pop up in the back of your mind, override it with "stop and delete." Practice this daily, to build new neurotransmitters and neural pathways.
Paranormal Karen
Thank you, Karen Rontowski for interviewing me on your ParanormalKaren podcast. I follow you for my daily laughs!!
They call us Starseeds
Son: Mommy, what's a Starseed?
Me: They have a name for me
They call us Starseeds
Those of us who do not belong
and have never understood humanity
We don’t understand the cruelty
We hurt deeply through our empathy
They call us the dreamers and idealistic
A euphemism for unrealistic
We have an understanding of metaphysics
subjects related to energy dynamics
They hurt each other to get on top
Killing people, animals, and food crops
A fish out of water, a square peg in a round hole
We find it impossible to fit into their social roles
They call us weird, strange, they call us eccentric
Our home of 100 billion galaxies - we are just homesick
Old souls wading through the materialistic
We see beyond matter, being intuitive and psychic
An insatiable thirst for magical hidden knowledge
A lifetime of wondering why we’re not accepted
We can bend reality, they call it manifesting
Negative people/conversations/media is draining
Past life memories, visitations, seeing apparitions
Vivid dreams of Starseed galactic ships and stations
It is difficult being in this realm
So, find your life mission
And finish the job - so we can go home
Son: Same.
Sign After Sign
When I asked the Universe to give me a clear sign for going to an ayahuasca retreat in Peru - I turned on the radio and two men were discussing Peru.
When I asked which book I should start reading, (with four books in my hand), a robin landed on a branch in front of me. The keyword for robin is "Shamanism," so I started reading the book on shamans.
When I was going through a breakup and wanted confirmation, I asked to see a group/a lot of butterflies, more than 13. Turned the corner and saw 20 plus butterflies.
When I made a new friend and wondered if I should hang out with her, I looked up and saw a bunch of balloons floating in the sky.
When I was hesitant/reluctant about moving to the west side, and couldn't decide, I stopped at a traffic light. On a billboard read "move."
When I asked whether I should take my family to Peru, Brazil, Australia or Jamaica, a jeep pulled in front of me with a bumper sticker that read "Brasil."
When I was hesitant about a meeting with a producer, (sensing his ulterior motive), I asked the Universe to cancel the meeting for me if my instincts were correct. One hour before the meeting, the producer canceled the meeting. I didn't need to see him again.
When I was conflicted with whether I should teach or not, I asked for a sign. I looked to my left and saw the word "teach" painted across the side of a van.
When someone asked me out on a date, I asked to see one butterfly for no and two butterflies for yes. One butterfly flew across my face.
When I wondered whether it was time to get a new bed, I saw the word "mattress" on the side of a van, parked in the middle of the road - in front of my home.
When I asked if I should join a certain literary agent, I saw a poster that read, "The universe has your back. We got you."
When I was questioning my work, I saw on a license plate: GD KRMA.
When I ask for a sign, I trust whatever the Universe/guides show me. You can ask for animals, words, insects, places, people, flowers, numbers. Be as specific as you like. But only ask - if you are completely open to the answer. If you keep asking for different signs because you don't like your sign - you're not trusting in the universe. Give mixed signals and you'll get mixed signals.
Unlock Your Full Human Potential
Nate Prince and I talk about how to unlock your full human potential,
on his YouTube channel “Profound Shifts.”
Click on image for the interview.
Money Energy
Money is neither good or bad. Money is energy. Energy is endless. It is limitless. It is abundant.
Just like air, solar/lunar energy, water, nature, love, there is plenty to go around. There is an abundance of everything. Earth provides an abundance of everything we could possibly need.
Saying/thinking/feeling that there's not enough money to go around, is like saying/thinking/feeling that there's not enough air/sun/water/love to go around.
The reason why only 1% of the world's population is wealthy, is because that 1% know that money is energy and just like there's an abundance of air - there's an abundance of money.
You wouldn't say, "I'll just breath for 3 hours - I don't want to be greedy." No, you just breathe. You don't concern yourself with there being a limited amount of air.
Or, "I better just soak up 30 minutes of sunshine because there isn't enough to go around." Or, "I'll just use 3 buckets of water because I don't deserve any more than that." No. You turn on the faucet and let the water run. You wash your hands multiple times a day, shower/bath daily, wash your dishes, clothes, fruits, and veggies and so on. You don't think water is limited... And you wouldn't say, "I'll just give this person 3% of love because that's all there is to give."
Yet, when it comes to money... the story most believe to be true is, "I can only earn and deserve to earn a certain limited amount."
Most people have negative stories and limitations of money. And that's a trap. If money is energy, how can it run out?
Start thinking about money as pure energy, like air. Like the sun, moon, love, water, nature. That there is an abundance of money energy available to you. That there is plenty of air, solar/lunar energy, water, money, nature, wildlife, fruits, vegetables, people, for everyone.
There is an abundance of everything we need and require. And see how that changes your relationship to/with money. This is the 1% secret/mindset. (This is not to promote laziness/nonaction. It's to change your vibration/story with money). This is the abundance consciousness.
Voyage LA Magazine
Thank you, Voyage LA Magazine, for featuring me in your July’s issue on inspirational stories.
Unconditional Excitement
When I was growing up, I would get excited about things and if they didn't turn out the way I wanted them to, I would feel really disappointed. Then eventually, I stopped myself from feeling excited because the possible disappointment was too much to bear. The disappointment was too painful. If I didn't get so excited, I wouldn't become so disappointed.
My excitement was conditional. It depended on the outcome and the results of what I wanted. It came with expectations. I know I'm not the only one. Then I had a child, and I saw him going through the same experience. And I got to learn, from guiding him, that you, I, we, get to feel excited, regardless of the outcome, regardless of the results. The outcome really doesn't matter.
Most things we do in life are motivated by creating/manifesting a specific result. But what if, the perceived outcome was a mere backdrop? An illusion set in place to activate movement towards it? It's not the result that defines you. It's who you become and what you strengthen/develop while achieving your results - that's what defines you.
Can you allow yourself to feel excitement regardless of the outcome, regardless of the result? Can you allow yourself to feel excited and release the expectation? Because even when things "don't work out," they are "working out," for us. Not for our egos, but for our highest good. And if you can let go of needing to depend on the results or the outcome, you can invite excitement back into your life. And you get to feel excited - no matter what.
If like me, you spend a lot of time working indoors, you may want to invest in earthing pillowcases, bedsheets and/or mats. Earthing refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting/touching the earth to strengthen the immune system, remove positive ions/charges, electromagnetic radiation, and free radicals.
Earthing lowers your body voltage to its healthy level. Connects you with earth’s healing energies, grounds you, reduces inflammation, less stress, less cortisol, less pain, improves sleep quality, energy, circulation, metabolism and speeds up recovery from physical trauma.
Earthing bedding is regular sheets with a conductive material woven through them. This conductive material connects to a wire you plug into the grounding port on a standard electrical outlet. Every outlet has a ground wire that connects the electricity in the house to the ground outside. By grounding your bedding to this grounding wire, you’re theoretically grounding yourself to the Earth.