You don't need to be a witch doctor or a shaman to plant a curse.
You don't need potions, herbs or plants to plant a curse.
Anyone can plant curses and we do it to each other and ourselves all the time.
A parent who told you - you are ugly/dumb/fat has planted a curse.
An uncle/aunt who told you - you're just like your mom/dad, good for nothing, has planted a curse.
A teacher who told you - you couldn't write/paint/sing/dance has planted a curse.
A friend who told you - you're unpopular/uncool/unliked has planted a curse.
A boy/girlfriend who told you - no one will love you has planted a curse.
A boss who told you - you'll never get a promotion has planted a curse.
The psychic who told you - you'll never get married/be happy has planted a curse.
How do you know it's a curse? Because you perceive it to be true.
And then you manifest a life that confirms they were/are right.
Worrying is also projecting negative thinking onto a person, essentially saying "I do not trust you will be okay, I do not trust you will get through this."
Write down a list of all the negative/limiting beliefs people have projected onto you.
Delete them all from your mind, body, soul. And from your conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Delete them all from your heart center and solar plexus by simply saying it.
Then replace those sentences with positive statements. And every time you hear that curse pop up in the back of your mind, override it with "stop and delete." Practice this daily, to build new neurotransmitters and neural pathways.