Nate Prince and I talk about how to unlock your full human potential,
on his YouTube channel “Profound Shifts.”
Click on image for the interview.
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Nate Prince and I talk about how to unlock your full human potential,
on his YouTube channel “Profound Shifts.”
Click on image for the interview.
Money is neither good or bad. Money is energy. Energy is endless. It is limitless. It is abundant.
Just like air, solar/lunar energy, water, nature, love, there is plenty to go around. There is an abundance of everything. Earth provides an abundance of everything we could possibly need.
Saying/thinking/feeling that there's not enough money to go around, is like saying/thinking/feeling that there's not enough air/sun/water/love to go around.
The reason why only 1% of the world's population is wealthy, is because that 1% know that money is energy and just like there's an abundance of air - there's an abundance of money.
You wouldn't say, "I'll just breath for 3 hours - I don't want to be greedy." No, you just breathe. You don't concern yourself with there being a limited amount of air.
Or, "I better just soak up 30 minutes of sunshine because there isn't enough to go around." Or, "I'll just use 3 buckets of water because I don't deserve any more than that." No. You turn on the faucet and let the water run. You wash your hands multiple times a day, shower/bath daily, wash your dishes, clothes, fruits, and veggies and so on. You don't think water is limited... And you wouldn't say, "I'll just give this person 3% of love because that's all there is to give."
Yet, when it comes to money... the story most believe to be true is, "I can only earn and deserve to earn a certain limited amount."
Most people have negative stories and limitations of money. And that's a trap. If money is energy, how can it run out?
Start thinking about money as pure energy, like air. Like the sun, moon, love, water, nature. That there is an abundance of money energy available to you. That there is plenty of air, solar/lunar energy, water, money, nature, wildlife, fruits, vegetables, people, for everyone.
There is an abundance of everything we need and require. And see how that changes your relationship to/with money. This is the 1% secret/mindset. (This is not to promote laziness/nonaction. It's to change your vibration/story with money). This is the abundance consciousness.
If like me, you spend a lot of time working indoors, you may want to invest in earthing pillowcases, bedsheets and/or mats. Earthing refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting/touching the earth to strengthen the immune system, remove positive ions/charges, electromagnetic radiation, and free radicals.
Earthing lowers your body voltage to its healthy level. Connects you with earth’s healing energies, grounds you, reduces inflammation, less stress, less cortisol, less pain, improves sleep quality, energy, circulation, metabolism and speeds up recovery from physical trauma.
Earthing bedding is regular sheets with a conductive material woven through them. This conductive material connects to a wire you plug into the grounding port on a standard electrical outlet. Every outlet has a ground wire that connects the electricity in the house to the ground outside. By grounding your bedding to this grounding wire, you’re theoretically grounding yourself to the Earth.
Stop answering every call.
Tune in with yourself before you give an answer. "What would I say if I were to value myself? What would I say if I were to honor myself? What is my truth?"
Give yourself time to give an answer. "Let me get back to you on that." Or "Let me check my schedule."
Take 1 day a week for yourself and do things that bring you joy, peace, bliss, happiness, harmony. A self-care day.
Learn to negotiate. Let people know what works for you. This also lets them know what "doesn't" work for you.
Declutter your home. Especially your bedroom.
Salt smudge once a month.
Consume vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids, iron, and immune boosters.
Wear crystals: hematite, black kyanite, obsidian, tiger's eye, carnelian, howlite, agate, amber, amethyst, black onyx, citrine, coral, emerald, garnet, ruby or tourmaline.
Spend time in nature. Travel.
Cover your solar plexus with a crystal when you are required to attend an event with lots of people/energies.
Listen to binaural beats. (Not for epileptics or those prone to seizures).
Strengthen your aura.
Use essential oils.
Meditate regularly.
Give yourself permission to leave an event early.
Imagine yourself inside of a crystal glass elevator for crowded events.
Imagine holding up a convex mirror to those who are aggressive/abrasive, scream/shout.
Instruct your body to release and remove other people's emotions from you.
Take hot salt baths. Dead sea salts pull out negative energies and pink Himalayan salts clear your auric field.
Learn to receive love and support.
Are you running a business or a charity?
Are you independently wealthy or did God/dess tell you to live in poverty?
Are you a volunteer? Or is this a hobby?
Do you value free work or expect others to work for free? Slavery.
Then stop running on empty. Giving endlessly/blocking receptivity. Money is just: energy, an exchange of energy, a token of appreciation, time and energy. The cycle of income and outcome fuels the economy. Only when we are full can we give more. Only when we are supported can we support others. Only when we grow, can we assist growth in others.
Money is growth - money is energy - energy is currency. Take your work seriously. No more donations - claiming starvation. No more subsidies - pay utilities. Doing what you love/serving humanity does NOT mean: suffering/sacrificing and struggling. Kindness is not gullibility. Know who you are. You know who you are.
First solo vacation in seven years… Sedona is a special place. I planned to do some writing here but as my wise son reminded me, “mommy, you don’t need to do any writing, you know? You can go and just be.” I looked at him as I often do… you’re right son, you’re right. Let me let go of any plans and just be in the flow. So, I’ve been on a rock/crystal walking/climbing meditation for the past few days. That was after a 2hr drive from the airport with no music. Just me talking to myself in different accents. I used to do that all the time; entertain myself talking aloud. Laughing at myself, about myself, talking complete nonsense.
Water erodes rocks. So do footsteps. I spent the last few days following foot steps. I found myself marching to the vortex at first. And after the first hour, I decided to slow down… slow down before you break down. Learn to rest. Take your time, and honor every step. It’s not about getting to the vortices. Everything can be a meditation. Stop focusing on the outcome, the result and just be present, in each moment. I hiked/walked/climbed for another 4hrs. I wouldn’t have been able to do 5hrs if I had rushed through it all. And because I watched my every step, I saw crystals glisten from the ground., sparkling like angel dust. I saw massive ravens fly above my crown and call to me. Representing magic, courage, healing, divination, rebirth, wisdom, shapeshifting. They are the master magicians carrying messages from the divine. They have the ability to find light in darkness.
My toes were bleeding after the 1st day, from the friction of my toenails. Note to self: file down the corners! I pushed out my aura in my hotel room to cleanse it of other people’s energy and slept soundly. When I woke, I could hardly walk. It was a reminder of how lazy I’ve become, driving everywhere in Los Angeles will do it. At least, that is my excuse. I went to seven vortexes. I felt energy moving in a clockwise direction in my left palm, surge up my arm, pass through my heart center, travel down my right arm and pulsate out of my right palm while my crown opened wide like a flicker of a fan. At another vortex, I felt information download into my left palm and out of my right palm and my 3rd eye pulsated. At another, it cleansed my solar plexus and fluorescent colored shells cascaded before my eyelids. Sacred geometry. But the strongest, most potent, was the medicine wheel. Possibly millions of ceremonies held by shamans and medicine wo/men have been performed at the medicine wheel. Just a bunch of rocks… but once I stood in the middle of it - wow - the energy made my head spin and nearly knocked me off my feet. It was extremely intense.
This whole place is an energy vortex and it is possible, if you’re not sensitive to energy, to not feel a thing. Some people visit the vortices and don’t feel anything. You have to tune into it. Just like anything in life. You gotta drop into it. It’s subtle. But if you allow the energy to move through you - move you - it will. Just like anything in life. You gotta receive it and allow it to penetrate. And it goes in deep. I am still vibrating, circulating, pulsating… and I stopped 3hrs ago.
I ate juniper berries. I learned that Walt Disney found his inspiration from the prickly pear cactus here, to create Mickey Mouse. I also learned that if the trunk of a Juniper tree is twisted, it’s an indication that it’s on a vortex. Some vortices have masculine energies, some have feminine energies, some have both. Every vortex is different and they are all magical. I came here to relax. And I leave, sore all over, but super charged by Earth’s electrons and magnetic field. I also learned that: some of the most tumultuous paths, lead to the most stunning views… Just like anything in life.
Thank you, Sedona.
I used to think to have world-famous parents meant life is easy for you and you've already made it, how lucky. Till I met a client who has a world-famous father and has struggled most of her life and when asked to borrow some money from him just once, he had his lawyers draw up a contract with increasing interest rates. She never asked for his support again.
I use to think to look like a supermodel meant life was a dream and you've already made it, how lucky. Till I met a client who can't stand the way she looks and said it's a curse - not because she thinks she's ugly - but because people have always told her she's dumb but looks good so now she's in a career she hates because she feels she is not capable of doing anything else while being plagued with traumatic memories of a violent father and bipolar mother.
I used to think winning an Oscar meant you've made it and everything else is gravy. Till I met a client who's won 2 Oscars but feels absolutely nothing for winning them because of a lifetime of being emasculated and never speaking up for himself so he's completely shut down and disconnected.
I used to think people who've attended ivy league schools have made it, how lucky. Till I met a client - a Yale graduate with stage 4 breast cancer who was drugged and raped in Yale as her first sexual experience; where the men chanted, "no means yes! Yes means anal!!" And to this day, she is haunted by that memory.
I used to think being born into wealth meant you've made it and life must be easy. Till I met a client who's a recovering alcoholic, born into wealth, but has spent a lifetime compounding and manifesting more shame, from being molested as a child and lacks confidence, ambition and even a drive to live.
It's easy to assume that people who have what you want, have made it. And I'm not saying don't go for it - by all means - do. But y/our definition of "making it" may not be the thing that gives you what you are looking for. And while it's true, not every story is like this, these clients have specifically come into my life to shed light, ignorance, and naivety. Thinking others have it easy is just another form of victimhood mentality. Maybe "making it" is just liking who you are. Maybe it's being okay with where you're at. Maybe it's having loving relationships. Maybe it's having good health. Whatever your definition is - May we all feel like we've made it.
Getting a spiritual six pack is the same as getting a physical six pack.
Some people ask "how long will it take?"
Well, if you work out once, will you get strong abs? No.
If you work out only when you are down and out, will you get strong abs? No.
If you work out, say, once a month, will you get strong abs? No.
What if you consistently worked out to achieve the abs you wanted and got the abs you wanted, then stopped working out for a few months? What would happen?
1 ice cream won't make you fat. 1hr of exercise won't make you fit. 1 session won’t cure you.
The only way to achieve the results you want with anything in life, is consistency. Whether it be physical, mental, emotional, psychic or spiritual. If you want a spiritual six pack, stay consistent.