What most people see as a nightmare - the Indigo Child sees as a dream come true. No, not the people dying - but those who are awakening from slumber living. Not the people who are jobless - but those who are reflecting, reevaluating, and resetting. Not the disconnection - but the reconnection to the self, nature, values, family, and friends. Not the solitary confinement - but going back to basics, living simply and getting clear on what it is we actually need to live/survive. Not the new world order - but the collective conscious shift into the 5D and aquarian age.
Indigos are very clear about their purpose on earth: to uncover and break down structures that do not serve/ harm humanity. They have been waiting, preparing, working, growing, learning, teaching, willing this time to come for over four decades. Although there are always early/late scouts, most Indigos came in the 70s. And those on their mission, who are involved with changing the world, helping to raise the vibrations/frequencies of the planet - lifting the veil - which is encoded in their very being, are relieved this shift is actually happening in their lifetime. They know that any real big change begins with chaos.
Indigos are the spiritual warriors, path forgers, paradigm shifters, freethinkers, highly artistic, psychic, insightful, fiery, rebellious. And they can be impatient, stubborn, highly opinionated, judgemental and self-righteous. Yes, they have self-work to do/got some evolving to do too.
They often criticize authority figures/leaders of rigid/dogmatic/outdated systems and can be perceived as being quite arrogant because they get easily frustrated with society. Like all Starseeds/star children, Indigos don't conform to mainstream society, often feeling they do not belong and tend to be loners. Many are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Some get so frustrated/bored/repulsed/disgusted that they fall into depression, addiction, and even suicide.
They are old souls, and the shadow aspect of an old soul is that they can become jaded with life/people. If an Indigo is not living their life mission, they become very self-destructive. They have extremely high expectations of themselves and of others and to cope with all the disappointment, they will numb themselves if they feel that society is not moving in higher dimensions. So, this collective wakeup from the nightmare validates their very existence here on earth. Indigos know that immense growth and healing come out of trauma and crisis.