The 3D paradigm is where separation, linear time, fight/flight, blame/shame, good/bad luck, social status, competition, matter, not having enough, not being enough, not enough to go around, attachment to body/physical form exists.
When we raise children to focus on matter Vs energy, we teach them that they need to be "someone" or "somebody". We teach them that they need to get "somewhere" or be "someplace". We teach them they need to "have" things or "own" things in order to be happy, successful and fulfilled.
Raising 3D kids perpetuates the 3D paradigm which the ego loves - but the soul can not grow in this dimension. Help move society into the 5D by teaching your children about energy: they/we are energy. Teach them that they are no one, no thing, and no where, that they are everyone, everything and everywhere - beyond time and space. Teach them that they are consciousness. This is our contribution to evolving society and healing humanity.
Podcast: Awakenings in Real Life, episode #16
Podcast now available: my reluctant journey of becoming a healer, being terrified of spirits as a child, how divorce showed me my strengths, how my son forced me into my purpose, receiving my first apology from my dead father during an ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazon jungle, subconscious hacking, healing kids through their parents, shadow aspects, signs from the Universe and much more.
Thank you, Ruby Mercado and Kathryn Chaya Lubow for sharing my story.
You can also find the podcast on iTunes here.