Recently, an extended family member threw a tantrum and demanded I support her. When I gave her my options, she refused my offer and demanded more. I reminded her that my support is offered, not required or demanded. And my ego got offended. Really offended.
During meditation, what was revealed is that it's simply my ego. Her coming from a place of lack triggered my sense of lack. My not supporting her enough triggered my not doing/being enough. And I was reminded: I am enough. And so is she. I am fully supported. And so is she.
When I asked to console with my soul, I heard "allow all that is." Of course that's what the soul would say. Of course that is the way through the ego walls and blindness. For the ego will make us blind to our souls calling.
For the soul, there is no right or wrong. There are no limitations or restrictions. The soul doesn't get offended for it allows all that is. It just is. And lets it be, whatever it is. My reaction and response to my ego is in fact unnecessary. Hold space, and allow all that is. And may peace be your boundary.