When we talk about dimensions of consciousness, we are not speaking about different places and locations but rather a level and/or state of consciousness. A so called different wavelength from which you are operating on or from.
1D: A line. Length and distance. Time, light, photon.
2D: Space-time, length, distance, width. Shadows. Differentiation/yin yang, analogue/universal opposites, illusion, interpretation, sub-atomic, awareness, conscious mind.
3D: Space-time-gravity, length, distance, width, depth, height, volume. Identity. Physical, past, present, future. Separation, matter. Events become reality. Awareness of conscious, subconscious, unconscious minds. Survival. You versus me. Blame and shame. A belief in having good or bad luck. Survival of the fittest attitude. Identifying yourself by the way you look, the job you have, the car you drive and the people you surround yourself with. Social status is important. Fearful of missing out, not having enough, not enough to go around, life is a competition. A belief that money brings happiness and fulfillment. That thoughts have no power and that manifestations are just a coincidence. There is no desire to dig deep or look beyond the surface. Consciousness is in the head.
4D: A gateway/acts as a portal to 5D. Astral plane. Astral travel/projection, lucid dreaming, déjà vu. A belief that there are many versions of reality and many versions of the self. Parallel Universes/realities, many lifetimes, past/present/future lives. Many worlds and possibilities. Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. An idea that we are all connected and there is more to life than the physical eye can see. A belief that thoughts are powerful, that thoughts can shift our reality. Duality is experienced, so is compassion and understanding. A desire to find your purpose. Diet and meditation become important. Having an awareness of the environment and how we affect what’s around us. Following your passions for life is meant to be enjoyed. Being worthy of pursuing your dreams. Using your 6th sense/intuition. Seeking deeper meaning to life. Seeing the magic and miracles of the Universe. Consciousness in heart. Can rearrange DNA.
5D: Beyond time and space. Spirit world. Many dimensions, powerful choices; choices manifests. Manifestation. An understanding that we are all one and all connected to each other, plants and other galaxies. Love and compassion. Being guided and listening to the guidance in all situations. Knowing that everyone is on their journey. Living your truth and being authentic. Experiencing joy. No competition as there is enough to go around for everyone. Using all your clairs (clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairalience, clairgustance). A connection to angelic beings, oneness with the Universe/God. Consciousness in heart and soul. Can connect with twin flame instantly if you so choose.
6D: Realizing the self as creator. Using thought to manifest (no need to use choices).
7D: Realizing there are many creators. Desires manifest. (no need to use thought).
6D & 7D: Miracle space. A frequency beyond karma; releasing karma. Acting as a conduit. Time travel. Re-writing blueprints. Unity consciousness. Light beings, transmitters of light. The ability to create harmony in any situation. All that is. Time is not measured or linear; time is timeless. Pure unconditional love, no fear. Divine intention. Oneness with the Universe/God. The God within. It has its own intelligence. The 6D power of intention is so divine, it cannot be misused in any way. Healing with 6D cannot be used on people without their permission. A respect of free will. Feeling spaces, being spaces. Love, peace, truth, empowerment. This consciousness can affect Earth if practiced by groups of people. Ascended masters.
8D: Many universes, multi-verse.
9D: All that is.
10D: The impossible becomes possible.
8D, 9D & 10D: Return your energy to source. The ability to merge with those in your soul group, travel to different galaxies, reincarnate back to Earth or other star systems. The soul can choose to continue moving up to higher levels of consciousness. Realm of the angels. Infinite possibilities.
11D: Beyond possibility. Possibility does not exist.
12D: Consciousness, source, prime creator. Single creator of everything.
13D: Many prime creators, infinite dimensions, infinite realities.